QWSS Projects

Our Focuses.

  • Agriculture & Farm Fields

    • Addition of zeolite to animal feeds - reduces runoff and makes manure more efficient to use

    • Using zeolite as a nutrient trap at the edge of fields

    • Plant trees and shrubs at the edge of fields to trap nutrients

  • Zoning & Regulatory Changes

    • Runoff management built in to zoning and building permits

    • Charging for storm water runoff - combine stormwater with sewer utility

    • Increase the use of row or townhouse development - reduce footprint and related soil disturbance and leave more room for runoff water treatment

  • Erosion

    • Erosion from runoff creeks, ditches beside roads and channeled water draining large areas of development

    • Review the maintenance practices that contribute to erosion i.e. cleaning all vegetation

    • Add foliage and boulders to slow down the streams

  • Human Activity

    • Including garden and lawn fertilizer, hard surfaced paths and drives, lack of rainwater storage on site.

    • Some of this can be impacted by education.

    • Could change zoning to reduce runoff from sites

  • Construction Site Management

    • Change the timing of excavation and construction to the summer

    • Do a better job of reducing runoff

  • Expansion of Sewered Area

    • Be more active with sewer expansion

    • Require septic inspections or assessments to ensure they are working

Summary of Previous Projects


  • Informal "Friends of Quamichan Lake Formed" by Roger Hart and Jim cosh

  • Assembling information from Provincial Environment -Deb Epps, Rick Norton - UBC


  • Fine Bubble aeration review by Ken Ashley


  • Holding "Lake Information Events"


  • Incorporate "The Quamichan Watershed Stewardship Society"

  • Completed "Outlet Management Plan" relating to water levels - DVG Engineering

  • Services $6,000

  • Started Review of Lake under "Eco Action Federal Funding" $185,485

  • Phosphorus Loading Study for Quamichan Lake in Duncan, B.C. by Meara Crawford, Environmental Protection Division, British Columbia Ministry of Environment


  • Received Registration as a Canadian Charity


  • Develop Wetlands Settling Ponds on Gary Oak Reserve $10,000

  • Start Fishing Derbies - 2014 - 2014


  • Complete construction of Trout Refuge fine bubble aeration, with support from North Cowichan, Duncan Rotary Club and Cosh donations $17,800

  • Quamichan Creek trout habitat study - $5,000

  • Start study of runoff management


  • Municipality of North Cowichan Quamichan Lake Water Quality Task Force* - history and exploration of possible solutions


  • Commence application of Zeolite and Limestone to reduce nutrient runoff on fields


  • Assess Zeolite and Limestone application results and plan future applications